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URL :  Edit Plus - Texteditor für Programmier Recommend to a Friend... Top Rated Bookmark Popular Bookmark 
Description : EditPlus ist ein kostenloser Text editor (in englisch) für HTML, PHP und Java unter Windows der das schlichte Notepad perfekt ersetzt und sich vor allem für Autoren und Programmierer eignet.
Detail : 
EditPlus is a text editor, HTML editor, PHP editor and Java editor for Windows. While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers.

-Syntax highlighting for HTML, PHP, Java, C/C++, CSS, ASP, Perl, JavaScript and VBScript. Also, it can be extended for other programming languages based on custom syntax files.
-Seamless Web browser for previewing HTML pages, and FTP commands for uploading local files to FTP server.
-Other features include HTML toolbar, user tools, line number, ruler, URL highlighting, auto-completion, cliptext, column selection, powerful search and replace, multiple undo/redo, spell checker, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more.

Category : 
  • Weblexikon.com / @ Wichtige Private Bookmarks
  • Weblexikon.com / Free- & Shareware / Internettools
  • Weblexikon.com / Internetwelt / Webtools
Rating :  5.00 (3 Votes)
Hits : 185
Date : 01. November 2009 / 01. November 2009
Publisher : NF-Friends




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