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Champions: On Alert is live! PDF Drucken E-Mail
Geschrieben von: Gamemaster   
Samstag, den 21. April 2012 um 14:49 Uhr

Our latest update, Champions: On Alert is now live and free for all players! Login today and check out our new Alerts System, new Specializations System, Recognition, Questionite, and more... (More Info...)

Our New Alerts system puts players right in the middle of classic super villain showdowns! (More Info...)

We've updated the core systems of Champions Online, and made all new items and rewards throughout the game! (More Info...)

Introducing a brand new way to customize your Champion! Mods and Fusion help you get the stats you hero needs! (More Info...)

We've added in a new specialization system to make your heroes more unique, and more powerful than ever before! (More Info...)

Adventure packs are awesome, comic style story arcs. Now, they're free too! (More Info...)

A new support Archetype, free for all players of Champions Online! (More Info...)

Perfect World Entertainment, Inc.
101 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 400 Redwood City, CA 94065 United States

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